
transcription service indiaWe offer affordable transcription service for our customers. We outsource all legal transcriptions and make our clients happy with the service we offer. We have highly equipped office with trained professionals who provide 24/7 FREE support. We have thousands of happy customers who are availing our service. We provide high quality transcription service at best rates in the industry. We serve round the globe our major clients are from US UK and Australia and we work for their budget meeting all their requirements.

Transcription Service we Provide

  • Academic Transcription
  • Business Transcription
  • Conf Call Transcription
  • Dictation Transcription
  • Verbatim Transcription
  • Video Transcription
  • Insurance Transcription
  • Investigative Transcription
  • Podcast Transcription
  • Legal Transcription
  • Sermon Transcription
  • Text-to-text Transcription
  • Legal Transcription
  • Market Research Transcription
  • Medical Transcription
  • Meeting Transcription
  • Focus group Transcription
  • Government/organization
  • Interview Transcription
  • Microcassette Transcription
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Transcription, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating